Nápověda k MediaWiki API

Toto je automaticky generovaná dokumentační stránka k MediaWiki API.

Dokumentace a příklady: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/API:Main_page

list=logevents (le)

(main | query | logevents)
  • Tento modul vyžaduje oprávnění ke čtení.
  • Zdroj: MediaWiki
  • Licence: GPL-2.0-or-later

Get events from logs.

Other general parameters are available.

Which properties to get:

Adds the ID of the log event.
Adds the title of the page for the log event.
Adds the type of log event.
Adds the user responsible for the log event. If the user has been revision deleted, a userhidden property will be returned.
Adds the user ID who was responsible for the log event. If the user has been revision deleted, a userhidden property will be returned.
Adds the timestamp for the log event.
Adds the comment of the log event. If the comment has been revision deleted, a commenthidden property will be returned.
Adds the parsed comment of the log event. If the comment has been revision deleted, a commenthidden property will be returned.
Lists additional details about the log event. If the log event has been revision deleted, an actionhidden property will be returned.
Lists tags for the log event.
Hodnoty (oddělené | nebo alternativou.): comment, details, ids, parsedcomment, tags, timestamp, title, type, user, userid
Default: ids|title|type|user|timestamp|comment|details

Filter log entries to only this type.

Jedna z následujících hodnot: Can be empty, or block, contentmodel, create, delete, import, interwiki, managetags, merge, move, newusers, oath, patrol, protect, renameuser, rights, spamblacklist, suppress, tag, titleblacklist, upload, usermerge

Filter log actions to only this action. Overrides letype. In the list of possible values, values with the asterisk wildcard such as action/* can have different strings after the slash (/).

Jedna z následujících hodnot: block/block, block/reblock, block/unblock, contentmodel/change, contentmodel/new, create/create, delete/delete, delete/delete_redir, delete/delete_redir2, delete/event, delete/restore, delete/revision, import/interwiki, import/upload, interwiki/*, managetags/activate, managetags/create, managetags/deactivate, managetags/delete, merge/merge, move/move, move/move_redir, newusers/autocreate, newusers/byemail, newusers/create, newusers/create2, newusers/newusers, oath/*, patrol/autopatrol, patrol/patrol, protect/modify, protect/move_prot, protect/protect, protect/unprotect, renameuser/renameuser, rights/autopromote, rights/rights, spamblacklist/*, suppress/block, suppress/delete, suppress/event, suppress/reblock, suppress/revision, tag/update, titleblacklist/*, upload/overwrite, upload/revert, upload/upload, usermerge/*

The timestamp to start enumerating from.

Type: timestamp (allowed formats)

The timestamp to end enumerating.

Type: timestamp (allowed formats)

In which direction to enumerate:

List oldest first. Note: lestart has to be before leend.
List newest first (default). Note: lestart has to be later than leend.
Jedna z následujících hodnot: newer, older
Default: older

Filter entries to those made by the given user.

Typ: uživatel, uvedený jako cokoli z: uživatelské jméno, IP, interwiki jméno (např. „prefix>Příklad“) a ID uživatele (např. „#12345“)

Filter entries to those related to a page.


Filter entries to those in the given namespace.

Jedna z následujících hodnot: -1, -2, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 460, 461, 828, 829, 2300, 2301, 2302, 2303

Filter entries that start with this prefix.


Only list event entries tagged with this tag.


How many total event entries to return.

Type: integer or max
The value must be between 1 and 500.
Default: 10

When more results are available, use this to continue. More detailed information on how to continue queries can be found on mediawiki.org.