Nápověda k MediaWiki API
Toto je automaticky generovaná dokumentační stránka k MediaWiki API.
Dokumentace a příklady: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/API:Main_page
- Tento modul vyžaduje oprávnění ke čtení.
- Tento modul vyžaduje oprávnění k zápisu.
- Tento modul přijímá pouze požadavky POST.
- Zdroj: MediaWiki
- Licence: GPL-2.0-or-later
Purge the cache for the given titles.
- forcelinkupdate
Update the links tables and do other secondary data updates.
- Type: boolean (details)
- forcerecursivelinkupdate
Same as forcelinkupdate, and update the links tables for any page that uses this page as a template.
- Type: boolean (details)
- continue
When more results are available, use this to continue. More detailed information on how to continue queries can be found on mediawiki.org.
- titles
A list of titles to work on.
- Hodnoty oddělujte pomocí | nebo alternativou.
- Maximum number of values is 50 (500 for clients that are allowed higher limits).
- pageids
A list of page IDs to work on.
- Type: list of integers
- Hodnoty oddělujte pomocí | nebo alternativou.
- Maximum number of values is 50 (500 for clients that are allowed higher limits).
- revids
A list of revision IDs to work on. Note that almost all query modules will convert revision IDs to the corresponding page ID and work on the latest revision instead. Only prop=revisions uses exact revisions for its response.
- Type: list of integers
- Hodnoty oddělujte pomocí | nebo alternativou.
- Maximum number of values is 50 (500 for clients that are allowed higher limits).
- generator
Get the list of pages to work on by executing the specified query module.
Note: Generator parameter names must be prefixed with a "g", see examples.
- allcategories
- Enumerate all categories.
- alldeletedrevisions
- Seznam všech smazaných revizí od konkrétního uživatele nebo v konkrétním jmenném prostoru.
- allfileusages
- Zobrazit seznam všech použití souboru, včetně neexistujících.
- allimages
- Enumerate all images sequentially.
- alllinks
- Enumerate all links that point to a given namespace.
- allpages
- Enumerate all pages sequentially in a given namespace.
- allredirects
- Seznam všech přesměrování pro jmenný prostor.
- allrevisions
- List all revisions.
- alltransclusions
- List all transclusions (pages embedded using {{x}}), including non-existing.
- backlinks
- Najít všechny stránky, které odkazují na danou stránku.
- categories
- Zobrazit všechny kategorie, do kterých je stránka zařazena.
- categorymembers
- Seznam všech stránek v dané kategorii.
- deletedrevisions
- Get deleted revision information.
- duplicatefiles
- List all files that are duplicates of the given files based on hash values.
- embeddedin
- Find all pages that embed (transclude) the given title.
- exturlusage
- Enumerate pages that contain a given URL.
- fileusage
- Find all pages that use the given files.
- geosearch
- Returns pages having coordinates that are located in a certain area.
- images
- Returns all files contained on the given pages.
- imageusage
- Find all pages that use the given image title.
- iwbacklinks
- Find all pages that link to the given interwiki link.
- langbacklinks
- Find all pages that link to the given language link.
- links
- Returns all links from the given pages.
- linkshere
- Find all pages that link to the given pages.
- pageswithprop
- List all pages using a given page property.
- prefixsearch
- Perform a prefix search for page titles.
- protectedtitles
- List all titles protected from creation.
- querypage
- Get a list provided by a QueryPage-based special page.
- random
- Get a set of random pages.
- recentchanges
- Enumerate recent changes.
- redirects
- Returns all redirects to the given pages.
- revisions
- Get revision information.
- search
- Perform a full text search.
- templates
- Returns all pages transcluded on the given pages.
- transcludedin
- Find all pages that transclude the given pages.
- watchlist
- Get recent changes to pages in the current user's watchlist.
- watchlistraw
- Získat všechny stránky, které jsou aktuálním uživatelem sledovány.
- Jedna z následujících hodnot: allcategories, alldeletedrevisions, allfileusages, allimages, alllinks, allpages, allredirects, allrevisions, alltransclusions, backlinks, categories, categorymembers, deletedrevisions, duplicatefiles, embeddedin, exturlusage, fileusage, geosearch, images, imageusage, iwbacklinks, langbacklinks, links, linkshere, pageswithprop, prefixsearch, protectedtitles, querypage, random, recentchanges, redirects, revisions, search, templates, transcludedin, watchlist, watchlistraw
- redirects
Automatically resolve redirects in titles, pageids, and revids, and in pages returned by generator.
- Type: boolean (details)
- converttitles
Convert titles to other variants if necessary. Only works if the wiki's content language supports variant conversion. Languages that support variant conversion include ban, en, crh, gan, iu, kk, ku, sh, shi, sr, tg, tly, uz, wuu a zh.
- Type: boolean (details)
- Purge Hlavní strana and the API page.
- api.php?action=purge&titles=Hlavn%C3%AD%20strana|API [otevřít v pískovišti]
- Purge the first 10 pages in the main namespace.
- api.php?action=purge&generator=allpages&gapnamespace=0&gaplimit=10 [otevřít v pískovišti]